Website being developed so not quite fully functional yet

Visible Policing
People broadly want to be assured that when they need the police, they will be there on demand in a timely and effective way. But it’s also true that communities want to see visible policing. It provides reassurance and that…

Public Confidence
Wherever people live they have a right to expect as safe an environment as possible. Being accustomed to higher crime levels in an area, and therefore accepting, it must be challenged. Parts of Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire have higher levels of…

Young People
I went to meet dozens of youngsters before the PCC election to understand what their views were on police officers, policing and wider public services. It was useful, particularly as some young people I met had ‘difficult’ experiences with the…

The best help for victims is helping them avoid becoming a victim in the first place. This new ‘agenda’ signals greater focus and investment to intervene early and to prevent crime, anti-social behaviour or other issues before they happen. It…

Joining ‘things’ Up
Public agencies, the voluntary sector, businesses and communities themselves all need to work together to achieve success. This is going to be difficult, but doing it would benefit the everyday lives of most of the population.This strategy is about how…

Value for Money
The challenge is getting the ‘whole system’ to work better for all of us. Whilst there have been successes in joint working, the opportunity to do that much wider than ever before now arises for Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent because of…